Jets International, your preferred partner and moderator for continuous advancement of the individual members of staff, your teams and your organisation as a whole –from individual-designed workshops to large group events covering teams throughout the organisation, Jets is there to support you, using modern, effective and participative methods – to help with defining, aligning and achieving your goals.
Your situation, company culture and organisational challenges are unique and holistic. The interaction between systems, processes and behaviour is here in focus. On the basis of your specialised knowledge and company know-how combined with our long standing in the consultancy business and our experience, together we are able to cultivate the optimal development process and goal-realisation framework.
With you and your team!
The result: Understanding and appreciation, “buy-in”, motivation and realistic action-plans, goal-achievement.
Today every manager is aware of the high importance of a process of continuous improvement and frequently of continuous change in everyday working life.
On the one hand, managers are constantly confronted by change as a result of technological and scientific innovation; on the other hand, there are changes initiated by the management teams themselves in order to be able to maintain and improve the performance and competitiveness of their divisions.
Some questions raised by these, frequently major, challenges are:
- How can I come to terms with the change process?
- How large is the willingness to accept change within the company?
- What are the preconditions for sustained success?
- Why should things change? - How do I develop a positive attitude to change amongst the individual staff members? How do I "sell" the changes?
- How do I define the desired result? How do I determine the objective?
- What is my role as "change agent"?
You can be accompanied in your change project and we will be at your side with word and deed. Your JETS contact person on this topic is Ms. Jane Elsner-Bonn.
- joint start into a new future
- bundling the forces of an organisation
- mobilising self-initiative and motivation.
The future conference as a platform for developing the vision and the objectives of an entire organisation.
Implementing significant change requires a group of staff members who all pull in the same direction. We need people with the same objectives, cooperating effectively and independently of departmental and divisional boundaries, people who are motivated to put the planned measures and improvements into practice. In other words, we need concentrated energy.
During a future conference, a relatively large group (from 4 to 80 people) plan their common future. The participants conduct an intensive dialogue, assess the current situation from numerous perspectives, agree on common objectives and commit themselves to the consensual measures.
Future conferences have been used with great success in the most differing areas: in organisations and companies, and wherever several organisations and groups have a common theme, e.g. marketing, statutory regulations, environment, security etc. A major strength of the future conference lies in the fact that even groups with differing interests can be brought together under the umbrella of the common objectives.
Problems are depressing, attractive future perspectives create a "desire for the future" and generate energy for their implementation. Future conferences also lay the problems of the current situation on the table; however, these do not become the sole yardstick for planning. Future conferences develop inspiring images of the future which are ultimately summarised in commonly supported objectives. This creates a desire to actually act.
In six work steps, participants examine the past as well as the external and internal reality. Images of the future are then developed and enacted in a creative manner, common objectives found and, finally, measures planned. The individual steps are carefully thought out and tested, each step having a cognitive (information-generating) and an affective (mobilising) effect. In addition, the emotional growing-together of the conference participants is encouraged.
Fundamental steps of the future conference:
Step 1: Look back over our history - Where have we come from?
Step 2: The present, trends - What developments can we expect? What are we already doing?
Step 3: The present, pride and regret - What are we proud of? What do we regret?
Step 4: Vision - What should our future look like?
Step 5: Common objectives - Where do we agree?
Step 6: Planning measures - Planning concrete steps into the future in mixed action teams.
Material and emotional benefit
- A common strategic orientation instead of numerous, uncoordinated, individual projects
- Planning concrete measures
- Networking the organisation and communicating the entire knowledge
- Activating the creativity and energy of the entire system
- Strengthening self-initiative and enthusiasm, team spirit and the "We" feeling.
"People work for money, but they commit themselves to an idea." Results:
- Long-term plans with a high commitment to their implementation
- Partnerships beyond the boundaries of sections and divisions
- Integrated networks of groups performing similar tasks separately from one another
People who really commit themselves to an idea.
Effective and productive teamwork should not be left to chance. A positive work-environment, team spirit and trustworthy cooperation with each other are the platform for the work efficiency of teams. It may just happen through good luck that the correct mechanisms and a positive dynamic of the team have developed naturally. However an actively controlled team-development process ensures a greater guarantee where excellent cooperation between all team members is concerned.
What does a group need to be able to call itself a team? First of all, everyone needs an appreciation of what must be achieved as a “collective”, enabling the team as well as the individuals to be successful. The team should all act in concert with a clearly defined goal in order to master the demanding challenges. A team needs rules for the working together, which are fully understood and adhered to by all team members. Finally the team needs the correct communication structures and decision-making processes.
With the use of varying analyses and development tools (e.g. Team Behaviour Analysis), Jets provides you with a tailor-made team-optimisation programme. It normally takes place as follows:
- You want to change and improve matters. You realise that the cooperation, communication and the results of the team work have not lived up to expectations. You recognise conflicts, friction and loss of coordination - all costing time and patience. Good work from the team is no longer guaranteed and you feel you need support.
- In order to design a team-development concept it is then it is necessary to clarify how the team is compiled and how it worked together in the past.
- A provisional concept will be discussed with you to ensure that your requirements have been completely met.
- Following this, together with the team, the problem(s) will be defined and the cause(s) analysed.
- The next step is commitment to the future target state
- Finally the problem will be dealt with, goals and appropriate measures and the success-controlling factors will be put in place.
Goals and results of team development share among other things a “general goal-orientation” - all in one boat – the combined development of critical success factors, clarification on roles and responsibilities of the team as a whole and the individual members as well as a collective formulated and agreed action plan, ensuring the implementation of the knowledge.
We would be delighted to develop your individual team-improvement programme. Your Jets partner for this topic is Ms. Jane Elsner-Bonn.
Project-experience workshops / Project know-how exchange of information
Lessons Learnt Workshops generate experience, knowledge, awareness and understanding which the team members involved gained during the implementation of a project; not only the positive but also the negative aspects at all levels (functional, emotional-social, processes). The goal is to ensure that the project teams of the future profit from this experience. Mistakes that already have been made can therefore be avoided. Proven systems, with which the probability of the success of the project will be increased, shared and put into practice. .
Constructive manoeuvre tactics are discussed in the workshops in order to learn from the past so as to be better in the future. The procedure is individually compiled to the project in question. Here is an example:
- Introduction: Case study. An account of what has happened.
- Goal = operative implementation / successful implementation
- A. What have we achieved?
- B. What have we NOT achieved?
- Detail-analysis of item B
- What needs to be evaluated: systems/organisation, processes, behaviour/skills, customer contact
- Handling of the evaluation areas
- Formulating and agreeing corrective measures and knowledge transfer
- Conclusion